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fruitcraft trading card game character, mushroom

Fruitcraft app’s Mushroom

By design

We wanted to share more from the app and  we just couldn’t wait to show you a new trading card character. Check out the Peaceful Mushroom!!!! His motto is make peace, not war.

Next week we’re going to be sharing a whole bunch (no pun intended!) of brand new fruit trading card designs with you, and maybe another view from the app.

Stay tunes!

It’s Fruitcraft app’s character design time

By design, journey

Great news! We have an amazing artist designing Fruitcraft app’s characters. Ramin joins Fruitcraft’s team from next week.

We’ve sent him a pile of random character designs that might be a good starting point. Having spent a good few hours talking to him, we really think he gets the brief and will be able to come up with some fun, playful and totally brutal Fruit Warrior trading cards!

Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing plenty of character designs with you right here on the blog, so don’t go away!