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Fruitcraft app beta results are in!

By fruitcraft, journey

Hello everyone!

Fruitcraft app’s beta is over. Thanks a million for fruitcrafting with us.  It’s been really inspiring crunching all the data and getting a better understanding of how you like to play the game, so we can tighten up design and game mechanics.

But this is where the work really starts. With your feedback we’re pretty much ready to start developing the full game. Fingers crossed we’ll have it out for end of summer.

Stay tuned!

Fruitcraft treading card game super heroes

Fruitcrafters, You are our heroes

By fruitcraft, journey

Ok we admit it. We concede the point. There are some seriously hard core Fruitcrfters out there!

And this is only a beta for fruitcraft. I mean how do you guys spend 20 solid hours building your Fruit army trading cards anyway? Give us some of what you’ve got. And no we’re not bitter at being a 100 levels behind you. No really 😉

Listen thanks everyone for playing our game, fruitcraft. Everyone at Fruitcraft app development team hopes you are having the most fun.

We’ll get back to you asap with some more info on what we found.

Fruitcraft trading card game beta is live!
fruitcraft trading card game development story

Fruitcraft app Men at work

By fruitcraft, journey

Happy new year everyone!

As you know we are working on Fruitcaft app, a social trading card game. And it has been a pretty busy time. Fruitcraft’s app development team has been working flat out over the holiday season. We started out by drawing out some flows to get the basics of the game mechanics down. We’ve been using paper prototypes to try out the trading card game for ourselves. Its got some rough edges but it is fast becoming the most fun game!

Mehran‘s going to code up a simple web version. That way we can see what you think.

Once upon a time… how fruitcraft app was born

By fruitcraft, journey

Fruitcraft trading card game was born in December 2012 and here is its backstory.

Once upon a time a small team of 5 app developers came together in London, with a dream. The dream of developing  a social game might just change the face of mobile gaming. Social, shared, connected , so many words. But something fresh and different, something humorous, witty, cute, daring, edgy was the dream. Each shared a burning passion to bring a new type of trading card game experience to mobile.

Hard to believe that was only a week ago, the 19th of December, just a few days before Xmas. I remember icy blasts of wind snaking through narrow London streets, crowds pooled in dark doorways, digging hands ever deeper into pockets, huddling into scarves as they sought respite from the seasonal chill.

As we met we embraced each other, whooping in delight. It had been a long time. Large mugs of steaming coffee fuelled feverish conversations in hushed tones as we began to piece together the big idea.

Last week was the beginning of Fruitcraft, a simple, ultra-sticky concept which we hope will go on to become a phenomenon.

We have a busy Xmas ahead of us; squirrelling away ideas, scamps, sketches and game designs. But you know what? 2013 is truly brimming with dreams and possibilities! Read our blog and follow us on the journey to Fruit Craft.