An email from Soroush… Maybe the guys need a break?
Do you understand this? I don’t…
An email from Soroush… Maybe the guys need a break?
Do you understand this? I don’t…
I just realised we spent so much time telling you about the Fruit warriors and trading card games, that we didn’t say much about Fruitcraft app development team.
But not to worry we will be sharing some more from behind the scene. As a start, here is photo as a warning to not mess with Mehran.
(don’t worry I survived).
UI design can single handedly make or break an app. This is more true for a trading card game. Fruitcraft app is no exception. But rest assured, we have an amazing designer, who is doing a great job for Fruitcraft. Here is Marcin‘s portfolio. We really like his clean and colourful style and were only too happy to have him onboard for the second time.
For a while we have been talking about Fruitcraft app’s characters. Ramin has just done some fun sketches for the first few trading card game characters. As promised we wanted to share these early sketches with you.
So here are the very fist public Frutcraft characters: A round apple and an orange with a mohawk.
Great news! We have an amazing artist designing Fruitcraft app’s characters. Ramin joins Fruitcraft’s team from next week.
We’ve sent him a pile of random character designs that might be a good starting point. Having spent a good few hours talking to him, we really think he gets the brief and will be able to come up with some fun, playful and totally brutal Fruit Warrior trading cards!
Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing plenty of character designs with you right here on the blog, so don’t go away!