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Fruitcraft app beta results are in!

By fruitcraft, journey

Hello everyone!

Fruitcraft app’s beta is over. Thanks a million for fruitcrafting with us.  It’s been really inspiring crunching all the data and getting a better understanding of how you like to play the game, so we can tighten up design and game mechanics.

But this is where the work really starts. With your feedback we’re pretty much ready to start developing the full game. Fingers crossed we’ll have it out for end of summer.

Stay tuned!

Fruitcraft treading card game super heroes

Fruitcrafters, You are our heroes

By fruitcraft, journey

Ok we admit it. We concede the point. There are some seriously hard core Fruitcrfters out there!

And this is only a beta for fruitcraft. I mean how do you guys spend 20 solid hours building your Fruit army trading cards anyway? Give us some of what you’ve got. And no we’re not bitter at being a 100 levels behind you. No really 😉

Listen thanks everyone for playing our game, fruitcraft. Everyone at Fruitcraft app development team hopes you are having the most fun.

We’ll get back to you asap with some more info on what we found.

Fruitcraft trading card game beta is live!
Fruitcraft trading card game beta

Fruitcraft app beta almost there

By journey

Hi guys.

I’ve been busy coding up a simple web prototype for fruitcraft trading card game. Wow it’s moving forward fast! On the surface it might seem that designing a TCG (trading card game) is simple. But in fact there is quite a lot thought that needs to go in for the design and balancing of each card and rule.

Fruitcraft game beta is looking visually kinda rough and we need an artist for the real thing – Mia‘s on that – but I think we’re close to having something playable. Our goal is to have the most fun game!

We plan to push Fruitcraft online this Saturday evening. It will be incredible to see how many people jump in. We’re looking forward to taking a look at the stats too as well as seeing how you get on with the rules and game mechanics.

Hey guys, give Fruitcraft a try. Just head on over to this weekend and start climbing the rankings! See you all soon!