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Let there be music for Fruitcraft

By audio, fruitcraft, journey

Fruitcraft app development is moving forward smoothly. Ramin is creating more trading cards, Soroush and Amirhossain are working on app development and Felix is getting ready to launch our Facebook page. This is the perfect time to start thinking about music for the game. We have just started meeting with game musicians and are confident we can get the music sorted out soon now.

In the meantime, we wanted to get your views on how we should be using Music/SFX in Fruitcraft. Should we include both score music and sound effects? What kind of style would fit – metal, rock, punk, classical, urban, jungle…we’re really interested in your views!



By gaming

Here at Fruitcraft, we are huge fans of trading card games. But we are also big console gamers. So as fellow gamers we wondered what you thought about latest Durango/Xbox 720 spec rumors.

Does the idea of a box that places media ahead of games work for you? What about the always online & blocking second hand games rumors? Do you think it’ll match up to PS4?

How would you like to fruitcraft app on your main console? We do like the idea of having Fruitcraft trading card game on as many platforms as possible.

Answers on a postcard please!

fruitcraft team crazy

Fruitcraft app development team

By fruitcraft, journey

I just realised we spent so much time telling you about the Fruit warriors and trading card games, that we didn’t say much about Fruitcraft app development team.

But not to worry we will be sharing some more from behind the scene. As a start, here is photo as a warning to not mess with Mehran.

(don’t worry I survived).

Fruitcraft easter photo

Happy Easter from Fruitcraft app

By journey

Fruitcraft team had a nice surprise this morning from one of our partners. Look at what we got from our friends at Ekas Design Studio. An egg that always stands up no matter what…

It is possible that we are getting too excited about this. A video is coming 🙂

fruitcraft trading card game character, mushroom

Fruitcraft app’s Mushroom

By design

We wanted to share more from the app and  we just couldn’t wait to show you a new trading card character. Check out the Peaceful Mushroom!!!! His motto is make peace, not war.

Next week we’re going to be sharing a whole bunch (no pun intended!) of brand new fruit trading card designs with you, and maybe another view from the app.

Stay tunes!